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ZW32-12 Series Primary and Secondary Fusion Complete Sets of Column Circuit Breaker (Ordinary Electromagnetic Pillar Type)
ZW32-12 Series Primary and Secondary Fusion Complete Sets of Column Circuit Breaker (Ordinary Electromagnetic Pillar Type)

ZW32 Outdoor Vacuum Circuit Breaker

The device is an intelligent complete set of equipment launched in response to the requirements of the new standard of the State Grid "Technical Standards for Primary and Secondary Distribution Equipment", which is composed of a column vacuum circuit breaker, a distribution terminal, a power supply voltage transformer and a connecting cable. The complete set of devices can collect three-phase current, three-phase voltage, zero-sequence current and zero-sequence voltage, and has the functions of line loss metering, electric energy metering, interphase fault handling and single-phase grounding fault handling of small current grounding system to meet the needs of distribution network automation.


Protection functions: three-stage overcurrent protection, three-stage reclosing, post-acceleration, directional zero sequence protection, in-situ feeder automation-voltage time scheme, in-place feeder automation-voltage and current scheme.


Signaling acquisition: the ability to collect three-phase current, zero-sequence current, and zero-sequence voltage, 8-channel incoming acquisition, 8-channel analog acquisition, including 4-channel voltage signal, 4-channel current signal, distribution line loss acquisition, including four-quadrant power, and support bidirectional metering.


Communication function: GPRS/3G and 4G full Netcom and dual 4G communication, Ethernet communication, optical fiber communication.


Fault location and recording function: Optimize the discrimination function of the original neutral point ungrounded system and the single-phase grounding fault selection of the small electric yang grounding system, and improve the function of fault recording and uploading to the master station and 64 storage.


Based on the high-precision sampling of the sensor and the high fidelity of the analog signal-amount waveform, the control unit adds the meter-level distribution line loss acquisition function on the basis of the traditional FTU, and optimizes the identification and positioning function of the low-current grounding fault. And the sampling frequency is increased, so that the waveform of the fault recording is closer to the real waveform.


Distribution line loss acquisition function: through the high-precision sampling characteristics of the analog signal by the sensor, the electrical energy data on the real-time metering line includes forward and reverse active power and four-quadrant reactive power to realize the function of two-way metering, and support communication transmission.


Identification and positioning function of small current grounding fault: relying on the unsaturated characteristics of the analog signal at high frequency resonance by the electronic transformer, the position characteristic quantities of some small current grounding points can be retained, and the control unit discriminates these characteristic quantities through a variety of algorithms, so as to accurately locate the area where the fault occurs.


Fault recording function: through the sampling of 128 points of the weekly wave, and the complete recording of the waveform of each channel and the switch position of the first 4 cycles and the 8 cycles after the fault, the remote signaling information is sent to the master station for analysis of the cause of the fault. It also supports the cyclic storage of 64 fault recordings.

Parameter  Parameter Name Numeric
Transformer combination mode Rated conversion ratio Phase current transformer: 600A/5A or 800A/1A
Zero sequence current transformer;100A/1A (current amplification multiplier≥6)
Zero Sequence Voltage Sensor: (10kV/)/(6.5V/3)
Power supply voltage transformer: 10/0.1/0.22kV
Accuracy rating Phase current transformer: protection 5P10 level, measurement 0.5S level
Zero sequence current transformer: When the inlet current of the primary side shaft is 1A to the rated current, it meets the level of 1S (angular difference, ratio difference), and the protection accuracy level is 5P10.
Zero sequence voltage sensor: 3P
Power supply voltage transformer: 0.5/3 class

ZW32-12 Series Primary and Secondary Fusion Complete Sets of Column Circuit Breaker (Ordinary Electromagnetic Pillar Type)
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