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Home - Industry News - Have you ever seen a five-pole handcart vacuum contactor? Chen Nuo has it!

Have you ever seen a five-pole handcart vacuum contactor? Chen Nuo has it!

Time:2024-04-29 02:14:39 From:Chennuo Electric

Chennuo Electric has focused on the field of vacuum switches for seventeen years and has accumulated many high-performance vacuum switch products. ...

Chennuo Electric has focused on the field of vacuum switches for seventeen years and has accumulated many high-performance vacuum switch products. Among them, the handcart-type vacuum contactor product is very popular with customers and has received good market response. Conventional handcart contactors are three-phase and are used in the central cabinet of the F-C circuit. They are used to control motors and transformer loads. They are used for frequent operations and have long service life. At present, our company's handcart contactors are: one is a separate handcart contactor, the model is VCN-12, the other is a handcart contactor with fuse combination appliance, which is also the mainstream product in the market, the model is VCNR-12 .

The five-pole handcart contactor recently developed by our company is used in the hoist control system in the coal mine industry, using two handcart contactors to achieve mechanical chain control. Its advantage is that it is convenient for power supply and maintenance, and is simple to operate. It can be widely used in elevator systems in the future.





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