Industry News

Chennuo Electric Technology Group, leading the power equipment manufacturing industry

Chennuo Electric Technology Group, leading the power equipment manufacturing industry


In the power equipment manufacturing industry, Chennuo Electric Technology Group leads the development of the industry with its innovative technology and high-quality products. As an enterprise focusing on the research, development and production of circuit breakers dedicated to energy storage ...

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Special circuit breaker for energy storage power stations: essential equipment to improve energy storage efficiency

Special circuit breaker for energy storage power stations: essential equipment to improve energy storage efficiency


Special circuit breaker for energy storage power stations: essential equipment to improve energy storage efficiency In today's energy market, energy storage power stations are gradually becoming a popular energy storage solution. However, to ensure efficient operation and reliability of energy ...

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Do you know the installation and maintenance of special vacuum contactors for reactive power compensation?

Do you know the installation and maintenance of special vacuum contactors for reactive power compensation?


The special vacuum contactor for reactive power compensation is a new type of circuit breaker with high reliability, small size and high working efficiency. It is widely used in power systems. The reactive power compensation vacuum contactor has good voltage and current characteristics, can realize ...

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Introduction to the precautions for special vacuum switches for reactive power compensation, come and collect them!

Introduction to the precautions for special vacuum switches for reactive power compensation, come and collect them!


Since the rapid development of power electronics technology in the 1970s, it has provided solid support for the realization of reactive power compensation technology. At present, most of my country's distribution network systems use reactive power compensation technology, which compensates the ...

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Handcart type vacuum contactor + fuse combination electrical appliance

Handcart type vacuum contactor + fuse combination electrical appliance


The handcart-type vacuum contactor-fuse combination appliance, model VCNR, is an intelligent energy-saving switchgear developed by Chennuo Electric Technology Group Co., Ltd. with European technology introduced and combined with the current development of the power industry. The product utilizes ...

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Have you ever seen a five-pole handcart vacuum contactor? Chen Nuo has it!

Have you ever seen a five-pole handcart vacuum contactor? Chen Nuo has it!


Chennuo Electric has focused on the field of vacuum switches for seventeen years and has accumulated many high-performance vacuum switch products. Among them, the handcart-type vacuum contactor product is very popular with customers and has received good market response. Conventional handcart ...

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