Home - Products Center - Vacuum Contactor - Vacuum Contactors 3.3kV(3.6kV)-10kV(12kV) - JCZ8C-6kv(7.2kv)/10kv(12kv) Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Contactor
JCZ8C-7.2/12 series high voltage vacuum contactor
JCZ8C-7.2/12 series high voltage vacuum contactor
JCZ8C-7.2/12 series high voltage vacuum contactor
JCZ8C-7.2/12 series high voltage vacuum contactor
JCZ8C-7.2/12 series high voltage vacuum contactor
JCZ8C-7.2/12 series high voltage vacuum contactor

JCZ8C-6kv(7.2kv)/10kv(12kv) Series Medium Voltage Vacuum Contactor

This series of medium-voltage vacuum contactors uses specialized vacuum intterupters for switching capacitor banks. They undergo a high-current aging process and are securely assembled with insulation supports and metal frames into a solid unit, which is safe and reliable. This series of high-voltage vacuum contactors have large stroke, strong breaking ability, small bounce of closing and opening brake, stable coil working performance, and good triphase synchronization, especially suitable for switching the load of switching capacitor banks. There are electromagnetic holding type and permanent magnet mechanism type, and they can be used as a switching switch in the compensation device of capacitor banks with large capacitance less than 3000kvar.


The metal frame is firmly integrated into one unit, which is safe and reliable.


The mechanism has a large stroke, strong breaking ability, and small bounce of closing and opening.


The coil has stable working performance, and good triphase synchronization.

Tech. parameters Unit 160、250/12(7.2) 400/12(7.2) 630/12(7.2) 800/12(7.2) 1250/12(7.2)
Rated voltage of the main circuit (KV) 12(7.2) 12(7.2) 12(7.2) 12(7.2) 12(7.2)
Rated current of the main circuit (A) 160 400 630 800 1000、1250
Main circuit making capacity (A/100times) 2500 4000 6300 8000 10000
Main circuit switching capability (A/25times) 2000 3200 5000 6000 8000
Ultimate breaking capacity (A/3times) 4000 4500 6300 8000 10000
Mechanical life (10,000 times) 100 100 100 100 100

Mechanical lock life

(10,000 times) 10 10 10 10 10
Electrical endurance  AC3 (10,000 times) 25 25 25 25 25
Permanent magnet mechanism lifespan (10,000 times) 20 20 20 20 20
Power frequency withstand voltage of main circuit (fracture) (KV) 42(32) 42(32) 42(32) 42(32) 42(32)
Phase-phase/phase-to-ground power frequency withstand voltage (KV) 42(32) 42(32) 42(32) 42(32) 42(32)
Lightning impulse withstand voltage level (KV) 75(60) 75(60) 75(60) 75(60) 75(60)
Rated operating frequency (times/h) 150 150 150 150 150
Operating Frequency of Permanent magnet mechanism (times/h) 30 30 30 30 30
Terminal pressure (N) >100 >100 >100 >100 >100
Contact opening distance (mm) 6(5)±0.5 6(5)±0.5 6(5)±0.5 6(5)±0.5 6(5)±0.5
Overtravel (mm) 1.5±0.5 1.5±0.5 1.5±0.5 1.5±0.5 1.5±0.5
Main loop resistance (μΩ) ≤200 ≤200 ≤200 ≤150 ≤150
JCZ8C-7.2/12 series high voltage vacuum contactor
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